




Stay Informed

At Mesa Alarm Systems, we take pride in providing unparalleled security solutions for families and businesses owners, but we also strive to offer a wealth of security information to further protect your loved ones. Our blog does just that by showcasing a wide variety of interesting topics and discussions that are relevant to you and your family’s life.

rental property with a smart doorbell

Tips for Property Managers: Security Systems for Rental Homes

Home security systems are a critical component of ensuring the safety and well-being of rental properties. They provide tenants with peace of mind and help property managers and owners protect their investments. Effective security measures can deter potential intruders, reduce the risk of theft and vandalism, and enhance the overall attractiveness of a property to … Continue reading “Tips for Property Managers: Security Systems for Rental Homes”

a collection of security sensors

10 Different Types of Security Sensors

In the realm of modern home security, the array of available sensor technologies can be overwhelming. From detecting motion to monitoring environmental factors like temperature and water leaks, different types of security sensors play a vital role in safeguarding homes against various threats. In this blog post, we’ll explore the diverse types of security sensors … Continue reading “10 Different Types of Security Sensors”

person holding a smartphone with smart home apps

13 Questions to Ask About Home Security Systems

Choosing the right home alarm system is a crucial decision for homeowners, as it directly impacts the safety and protection of their property and loved ones. With the myriad of options available in today’s market, navigating the complexities of security systems can be overwhelming. To make an informed choice and ensure that their security needs … Continue reading “13 Questions to Ask About Home Security Systems”

security system tech installing a wireless security system

Choosing Between Wired and Wireless Security Systems: A Comprehensive Comparison

In today’s world, security is a top priority for homeowners and business owners alike. With the advancement of technology, there are now more options than ever for securing your home. Two popular choices include wired and wireless security systems, offering unique features and benefits. Understanding the differences between these systems is essential for making an … Continue reading “Choosing Between Wired and Wireless Security Systems: A Comprehensive Comparison”

wireless security camera

Why Does My Security Camera Keep Going Offline?

In an increasingly digitized world where surveillance systems play a vital role in safeguarding property, assets, and personal safety, you may find yourself frustratedly wondering, “Why does my security camera keep going offline?”  From residential setups to expansive corporate networks, the reliability of these surveillance systems is paramount. However, the perplexing phenomenon of cameras working … Continue reading “Why Does My Security Camera Keep Going Offline?”

fire alarm in a kitchen

Ensuring Safety: How Many Fire Alarms Do You Need in Your Home?

Fire safety is a paramount concern for homeowners, and installing fire alarms is a critical component of any comprehensive safety plan. However, answering the question, “How many fire alarms do you need in your home?” can be a complex task. In this guide, we will delve into both local regulations and general guidelines, offering homeowners … Continue reading “Ensuring Safety: How Many Fire Alarms Do You Need in Your Home?”

luxury retail store

Securing Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Retail Theft Prevention Strategies

The persistent challenge of theft in retail stores requires a proactive and comprehensive approach to safeguarding businesses. This guide is designed to be your compass through the intricate landscape of retail theft protection, encompassing not only conventional security measures but also strategies that extend beyond the scope of traditional services. Our primary objective is education … Continue reading “Securing Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Retail Theft Prevention Strategies”

security cameras being installed

How to Hide Security Cameras for Additional Home Protection

In an era where home security is paramount, installing security cameras has become a standard practice for many homeowners. While the mere presence of a camera can deter potential intruders, some individuals prefer a more discreet approach to safeguarding their homes. In this blog, we will discuss how to hide a security camera, exploring the … Continue reading “How to Hide Security Cameras for Additional Home Protection”

glass doors from an office entrance

Are Sliding Glass Doors Safe? A Comprehensive Guide to Home Security and Peace of Mind

Sliding glass doors are a popular architectural feature that adds elegance and natural light to patio doors. However, they also come with security risks that homeowners should be aware of. In this blog, we will explore whether or not sliding glass doors are safe, why they might present higher risks than other door types, and, … Continue reading “Are Sliding Glass Doors Safe? A Comprehensive Guide to Home Security and Peace of Mind”

parking lot camera pointed at the cars

How Parking Lot Security Cameras Ensure Safety

Parking lots are an ever-present part of our daily lives. Whether at work, shopping, or grabbing a meal, we often take parking lot safety for granted. However, behind the scenes, parking lot security camera systems are crucial in ensuring our safety and peace of mind. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the various ways … Continue reading “How Parking Lot Security Cameras Ensure Safety”