Have peace of mind while you’re away with these home security tips.
So, you’ve got your bags packed, the car is loaded, and your family is ready to enjoy a relaxing vacation. Unfortunately, while you’ve been planning your well-deserved getaway, burglars might have been planning to raid your home. Aside from using our advanced security systems for your Houston home, keep in mind these tips and tricks for keeping your property safe while you’re away.
Don’t post about your trip on social media
You may be tempted to post those delicious margaritas on Instagram, but doing so could put your home and property at risk. You’d be surprised how many so-called “friends” have broken into the homes of the people they know. No matter how much you trust your social media friends, refrain from posting online about your vacation to ensure your home is safe while you’re away. As a precaution, wait to post all of your vacation pictures until you get back.
Have a friend look over your home
Burglars often target homes that look unkempt and have obvious signs of vacancy: piled up newspapers, neglected lawns, etc. Consider having a trusted friend or family member look over your home while you’re away. Give them a key and have them stop by your home every so often to bring in the mail and take care of other chores. Doing so will make your home appear lived in and will ward off any thieves that might have been scouting out your neighborhood.
Use light switch timers
People often think that it’s a good idea to leave lights on while they’re on vacation, but after a few days, having the same lights on can serve as an obvious beacon that you’re not home. Consider using timed light switches throughout your home. These will make it appear that your home is occupied to potential burglars. Also, if you took our other advice and chose to have a friend stop by your home, ask them to mix things up a bit by turning lights on and off throughout your home.
Of course, there’s no better way to protect your home while you’re away than with our customized security systems. In addition to our state-of-the-art systems, we also provide 24/7 home or business monitoring to ensure your property is well taken care of while your family is on vacation. At Mesa Alarms, we offer the best home security systems in Houston. Learn about our services and products or other ways to protect your home or business.
Learn more about our products and services today by calling (281) 694-4313.