Ensuring property security for a large-scale facility can be a difficult task for Houston warehouse owners. With hundreds of thousands of square feet of space and multiple entrances and exits, having a fully-comprehensive warehouse security system involves a lot of planning and technology implementation. Nevertheless, it is critical to the safety and security of warehouse assets and workers. The city of Houston has the fifth largest warehouse and distribution inventory in the United States, growing from less than 300,000 square feet to more than 360,000 square feet in the past decade. This is spread throughout 4,600 transportation and warehouse facilities. With the city’s rapidly growing warehousing demand, warehouse security is more important than ever.
Warehouse Alarm Systems
In the event of an emergency, all personnel inside and near the warehouse should be properly alerted of the situation. With a warehouse alarm system in place, the security breach of your facility during and after operation hours can be prevented and handled properly to ensure the safety of employees and assets.
Security Camera & Video Systems
Warehouse facilities pose unique challenges when it comes to security camera installation. High ceilings, tall obstacles, and massive inventory are all factors that make thorough security camera placement difficult. All entrances and exits should have good security camera placement. It is important to always see who comes in and out of the facility. Cameras should also be placed in the employee common and work areas. This protects your warehouse from possible loss and ensures the safety of employees, should they ever be in need of any attention or assistance. In order to have the best security camera placement that captures all areas of a warehouse, sometimes assistance is needed in installation.
Building Access Control Systems
To ensure that only authorized personnel are able to enter and exit your warehouse building, an access control system can be implemented. This usually involves touch-free, card-swiping technology, which allows only cardholders to unlock entrances and exits. This protects against the trespassing of unauthorized personnel, who may be potentially dangerous to both workers and inventory.
Loading docks are also especially vulnerable to intruder access. Implementing an access control system at each entrance and loading area of the building is another step that can be taken towards proper security for warehouse facilities.
Fire Alarm Systems
In the event of a fire, warehouses are especially prone to danger. Tremendous injury and inventory loss can occur in a matter of minutes. By installing a quality fire alarm system, this type of loss can be minimized or prevented. Due to the interior structures of warehouse facilities, fire alarm systems need to be especially optimized in order to function properly in a warehouse setting. A well-functioning fire alarm system can save warehouse inventory and worker lives.
Security Monitoring Support
Security monitoring support may be available with an alarm system. In the event of an intruder or dangerous emergency, an alarm system can contact the proper authorities to help handle the situation. This means that, on top of a warehouse’s internal security monitoring, additional assistance and support is available for further protection. This is especially important in a warehouse environment where the massive size and sheer volume of inventory may be too much for one facility’s personnel to handle. Having a security support system can bring great peace of mind to warehouse owners.
Mesa Alarm Warehouse Security
Mesa Alarm Systems is at the forefront of warehouse security in Houston. With over 25 years of experience, we have the technology and security expertise to completely secure any commercial warehouse facility. We provide camera and video surveillance systems, building access control systems, fire alarm systems, and security monitoring support.
Our commercial security alarm systems are tailored to each business’s specific needs, ensuring that the installation and implementation of security systems are the most comprehensive for the safety of your workers and assets. Choose Mesa Alarm Systems today and together we’ll create the perfect security solution for your Houston warehouse.